17α-Hydroxyprogesterone CAS 68-96-2
Introduction 17 α- Hydroxyprogesterone, sometimes referred to as Hydroxyprogesterone (English: hydroxyprogesterone, OHP), is an endogenous progesterone steroid similar to progesterone, and is also the precursor of biosynthesis of many endogenous steroid hormones, including androgen, estrogen, glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid and some neurosteroids. Bioactive 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) is an endogenous progesterone and a chemical intermediate in the biosynthesis of other steroid hormones. In vitro studies 17 α- OHP is a progesterone like chemobookin receptor agonist, although its effect is relatively weak. It is also a chemical intermediate in the biosynthesis of steroid hormones such as androgens, estrogen, sex hormones, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. In vivo study 17 Hydroxyprogesterone is an effective steroid inducer for GVBD (reproductive vesicle rupture). Chemical properties crystallization (acetone/hexane). Melting point 221 ℃ (219-220 ℃). [ α] 20/D+97 ° (chlorofor